3rd Birthday List

I can't believe I'm already thinking about another birthday for RT. So much is going to happen in the next year of his life, including becoming a big brother. We are so lucky to not need a lot of things, so I sometimes have trouble when I think about what to get him for his birthday. If you've been reading this blog for some time, then you know my whole deal with gifts. I really love when people give us passes or tickets to things rather than toys. Not that we don't love toys, but we don't have the biggest house, and they take up a lot of space.
Last year, some of our favorite gifts were our Zoo membership, giftcards to Funville, Skinny Dip, Hooray, Chick-fil-a, and a Penguin's Snowballs punch card. We even got a Highlights magazine subscription which stays in our diaper bag for when we go out to eat. We would love all of these again, and I've tried to come up with a few more items because it's a question that I'm asked often. This year, I'd add:

I'm planning on giving him his Busch Gardens pass, and while I know that he is free with the Preschool Pass, mine isn't. In order to make my life easier, I'm also stocking up on cups. I'm not sure where these things go, but they seem to disappear in our house. 
Because I'm a sucker, I'm also giving him this cool pool float which I picked up for $4.00 on Black Friday and have had sitting in my house since. It seemed like a great idea at the time, and I'm loving not having to buy one now!

For kids turning three who need toys, (we don't- we are mid move, with our "new" house not yet complete and our old house sold, living at my mom's until we can get into our new house...) I love Magnatiles, Lego Duplo sets, goggles, sunglasses, underwater rockets, train sets, and sticker books!

I'm sad to see two go, because I think it's been the most fun age yet, but also really excited to see what new things we all learn in the coming year!