The Town Square Play Cafe

Located in the Deep Creek area of Chesapeake, the Town Square Play Cafe is a new indoor play area for ages 0-6. A family owned business, the indoor play space has gross motor play such as slides, swings, and lots to climb on. For fine motor, kids can play with gears on the walls, magnatiles, scarves, and more. Kids can also engage in imaginative play in the vet area, grocery store, farm, sand box, ice cream shop, doll houses, and more. Our favorite part was the interactive projection sandbox, which adjusts the scene as you dig. There is also a gated baby area. 

Day passes for ages 1 and older are $15, with a sibling add on of $8. Children under one are $8. Ten packs of play passes offer a discount at $120. After school play specials are $8. There is also a membership option. The cafe is open 9:00-4:00 Monday through Friday, and 8:00-10:30 Saturday and Sunday. Birthday parties take place on the weekend after general play. It is recommended that you book in advance, as there is a limit on capacity. 

Half day summer camp options are available for potty trained children ages 2.5 to 6, with options for 2 days a week in the morning, to 3 afternoons, and between. Themed weeks include Superheroes, Space, Fun on the Farm, and Water World.