Another week of things I love Thursday. It's that weird and rushed time in between Thanksgiving and the holidays. School is crazy, and everyone is waiting for winter break. If you think kids are excited.... you've never seen teachers after the busses pull away! I can't wait to hang with my kid, have more than ten minutes to eat my lunch, and pee whenever I need to! Anyways.... I've recently been told that my jokes are dad jokes, so here is one for you.

This badass Alice.

Michael Scott is my favorite. Source: Weheartit
Of course your weekly Gilmore Girls quote.
This creative reuse of out dated technology.
This quote by author Neil Gaiman who writes both books for adults and children. Check out American Gods.
On our wishlist, these toddler vans for big R, they zip in the back to make them easy to put on.
This list of protein packed dinners.
Books to read if you like Gilmore Girls, y'all know I do! Where'd You Go Bernadette is on this list, we read that in teacher's book club this summer.
Funny texts parents have sent their kids.
Throwback Thursday post: Penguins Snowballs and Bike Rides to the Park.