I have been swimming for as long as I can remember. Besides growing up with a pool in my backyard, I was on swim teams, and then I lifeguarded through high school and college. Water safety is no joke, and according to the latest statistics, in 2018 more than 148 children under the age of 15 drowned. So, as summer approaches, (teacher friends- we have about 50 school days left, not that anyone is counting!), I knew I wanted to get RT into some swim lessons. I turned to the most powerful mom tool I have - my friends, to find the best place to take him and was given information on Katie's Kickers.

Katie is committed to helping reduce the number of drownings each year. She has a masters degree in education and has been teaching swim lessons for 25 years, 19 of them at a year round swim school. She is certified in Red Cross Water Safety, Swim America, Australian Swim School, and Infant Safety Rescue. She has also coached USS Club and YMCA swim teams. She has several employees who work for her during the summer months, who are all certified, trained, and experienced. While it's cold, she holds classes indoors, but during the summer she hosts lessons at her outdoor, saltwater, heated pool. Katie also remembers each child by name and somehow remembers specific songs each one likes (hello wheels on the bus for the millionth time a day), and which sticker sets they will want when they finish.

Time to be honest. RT isn't always thrilled about his lessons. It's weird. When I ask him if he wants to swim, he tells me yes! But then when we get there, he is scared and doesn't want to go in. He cries, but does everything that Katie asks him to do. Katie is good at reassuring him, but still telling him that he has to do what is being asked. He says he wants to get out, but once we get home, he tells us how much fun he had. I hope he likes it, but I know he sleeps great that night, and he is progressing. It's awesome to see all of his progress.
If you want to get information on the lessons, Katie's email is katieskickers@gmail.com. I've been amazed to see reviews and testimonials from friends, and it seems like every time I am going or coming to the pool, there are more mamas that I know. If you're interested, I would jump on it
before the summer. For some reason, people have this lax attitude about water safety. They complain about the cost and time associated with swim lessons. But, as harsh as it sounds, they cost less than a funeral, and the time spent is so worth it. I'm really glad that we started the lessons and I can't wait to see him use what he has learned in action this summer!
One good thing about swim lessons at the indoor pool is if you have them later at night, just shower them and get them ready for bed there! We honestly didn't plan this, but how cute are these bubbas in their matching pjs?!