If you're in our Facebook group you know that we work with a few promotion companies and give away movie screening tickets from time to time. Last weekend myself, a gaggle of kids, and several mamas and families who responded got to see an early showing of Abominable. I'm not paid anything to do these promotions. I don't even have to post about them, but this movie pulled on the heart strings and was so incredible that I knew I had to. The movie is centered around a captured magical yeti who breaks free to try and find his family. He gets help from Yi, a busy girl who is running from a loss, a self-centered Jin, and playful Peng. There are themes of family, adventure, loss, perseverance, friendship, kindness to animals, and the scenery is beautiful. I cried likely harder than I should have for a kid's movie, but I truly loved it. It comes out this weekend, and you should totally grab your kids and go see it!
(omg I just played the trailer to make sure it was legit before putting it on here and I'm crying again. What's wrong with me!?)