The first baby means that you buy and register for everything, because who knows really what you'll need. Neil, my mom, and I stood wide eyed at Target and BabiesRus. So many people gave us conflicting advice for our registry that we just scanned everything. Bottles? Get one of each brand. Diapers? Try one each one, because really, you never know.Today I'm sharing our buyer's/scanner's regret.. aka what we never should have bought or registered for. If you bought this for us- thank you! Sorry it didn't make the cut for big R.
01. Baby mittens- I know that these are so babies don't scratch their faces. But I never put them on. R slept swaddled, so he couldn't have scratched his face anyway. They looked totally adorable the ONE time we used them though?
02. Any bottle that wasn't a MAM. It leaked, he couldn't get the milk out. You name it, it was a problem. MAM for life.
03. Lovey. I know I'll get a lot of slack for this one, but R has never cared about a lovey. We have one and I sometimes give it to him, but he typically throws it on the floor.

05. To go with the microwaveable sterilizer, the nipple holder for the dishwasher. The bottles were too big to go in, and I felt like the nipples didn't get clean in there. Some people love them though- they can have mine.
06. Specified burp rags- They are super cute, but a wash cloth, towel, or receiving blanket works just fine.
07. Shopping cart cover- we had a beautiful shopping cart cover. It was soft, cozy, and had toys attached to it. I think I used it all of two times. The first time in a shopping cart, the second time as a make shift type thing in a high chair at a restaurant. Real life... it takes too much time to put on the shopping cart. Who are these moms with all this time?
That's about it. I know that some people probably loved some of these items. I'm curious to see what you regretted and what you couldn't have lived without.