As a teacher, I take introduction to early literacy pretty serious. We have magnets on our fridge of Hebrew letters, English letters in our bathtub, and we read nonstop. We start and finish the day with a book and incorporate several throughout. We also go to pretty much all of the events that we can at the library. Check our Babygarten and Toddler Time posts. We have also attended a few Barnes and Noble events. I'm an avid reader, which I get from my mom who taught high school English forever. Neil even likes nonfiction texts. Basically... I take reading pretty seriously. Luckily, R has picked that up and loves to be read to also.

R is obsessed with this book. We read it first thing in the morning, and right before bed. I've got to order the other books that go with this series!

This is one of the BIG book series. They have Big Bulldozer and Big Firetruck that I should keep my eyes open for, because this one is practically falling apart from being read so much.

You've probably picked up that we love music in this house. This book, by Bob Dylan, I picked up as a recommendation from The Book Exchange. R likes to point out the cars and busses, and I like the message.

We received this as a gift, and it's pretty cool. It's got a riddle with a fold up on each page, and some texture thrown in to make it a little more interesting. The end of the book has a mirror, because the last clue is the reader.
My picks:

Just finished this book. It's about a working mom of twins who is unappreciated, and just.... leaves. An easy read with several parallels for the main character to discover.
Okay, this isn't a book, but it's book related! Harry Potter fans, don't you love this mirror?

If you're into punk rock and like Against Me! check out this autobiography by Laura Jane Grade. She used to be Tom Gabel, and this book deals with her struggle to find herself.
psttttt- I'm starting to add some upcoming events to our page. Check out the upcoming events page to see things from our partners!
Okay, this isn't a book, but it's book related! Harry Potter fans, don't you love this mirror?

If you're into punk rock and like Against Me! check out this autobiography by Laura Jane Grade. She used to be Tom Gabel, and this book deals with her struggle to find herself.
psttttt- I'm starting to add some upcoming events to our page. Check out the upcoming events page to see things from our partners!