When I know I won't have a lot of time, I grab the crockpot. Here is a list of some dump dinners.

Before the availability of the tape recorder and during the 1950s, when vinyl was scarce, people in the Soviet Union began making records of banned Western music on discarded x-rays. With the help of a special device, banned bootlegged jazz and rock ‘n’ roll records were “pressed” on thick radiographs salvaged from hospital waste bins and then cut into discs of 23-25 centimeters in diameter. “They would cut the X-ray into a crude circle with manicure scissors and use a cigarette to burn a hole,” says author Anya von Bremzen. “You’d have Elvis on the lungs, Duke Ellington on Aunt Masha’s brain scan — forbidden Western music captured on the interiors of Soviet citizens.” ( credit)

This quote from Maurice Sendak. I love this history behind "Where The Wild Things Are".

Mom jokes and humor here, because we all need a laugh sometimes.
These two brains belong to three year olds, so why is one so much bigger?
This So Cal punk documentary.
Throwback Thursday: Pretlow Library Playscape. We love this place! Also, it's FREE!
I've mentioned here and there about my dad's health. We recently learned that he is fighting pancreatic cancer, and it has been a hard battle. In a month I've watched him go from Mr. Do it yourself, to only being able to stay awake for short periods of time, in lots of pain. I'm so sad. Sad for my mom, sad for me, sad for their dog... but mostly- sad for R. My dad is the most awesome Papa, and R sees him easily six days a week. Seems so unfair that this is happening. Similarly, Neil's father is fighting lung cancer that has spread to other parts of his body. Both have been in and out of the hospital over the last month. Several people have shared with me experiences that their families have gone through or are going through currently. November is Pancreatic Cancer awareness month. Get educated. It's a fast spreading cancer, and it is genetic. If you have family whose had it- you should get tested. In April my family will be walking in the Pancreatic cancer march. If you'd like to walk with us or donate to our team, please let me know.
"You’re going to be sad.
You’re going to want to scream and punch things.
Do it.
Let out every ounce of anger you have.
Sit on the floor and cry until you feel numb.
Listen to songs that make your heart sink to your feet.
Write angry letters to all the people who have broken you, left you, ignored you or hurt you.
Throw your hairbrush at the wall.
Do it twelve times.
Do it until you feel like you can breathe again.
You’re going to want to scream and punch things.
Do it.
Let out every ounce of anger you have.
Sit on the floor and cry until you feel numb.
Listen to songs that make your heart sink to your feet.
Write angry letters to all the people who have broken you, left you, ignored you or hurt you.
Throw your hairbrush at the wall.
Do it twelve times.
Do it until you feel like you can breathe again.
You’re going to be sad.
You’re going to want to hurt yourself.
Don’t you dare do it.
Sit on the floor and watch cartoons like you did when you were little.
Listen to songs that make you want to dance around your bedroom in your underwear at 3 A.M.
Make paper airplanes out of those angry letters and watch them soar into the fireplace.
Brush all the knots out of your hair and say “I am worth it” into the mirror.
Say it twelve times.
Say it until you feel like you can breathe again.
You’re going to want to hurt yourself.
Don’t you dare do it.
Sit on the floor and watch cartoons like you did when you were little.
Listen to songs that make you want to dance around your bedroom in your underwear at 3 A.M.
Make paper airplanes out of those angry letters and watch them soar into the fireplace.
Brush all the knots out of your hair and say “I am worth it” into the mirror.
Say it twelve times.
Say it until you feel like you can breathe again.
You’re going to be sad.
You’re going to get through it."
You’re going to get through it."